Introducing Broucek, Tegus and Tallulah!

The adorable and healthy Columbus Zoo and Aquarium fishing cat kittens are doing great and now have names! The runt male has been named Broucek (Czech word for “little sweetie”), the other male has been named Tegus (Thai word for “assertive”); and the female has been named Tallulah (Native American name meaning “running water”). “The kittens … Continue reading

Working to save captive fishing cats from bladder cancer

San Diego Zoo fishing cat

Fishing cats in zoos might seem to live the cushy life, private diggs, no predators and an endless supply of fish to dive after. But there is an insidious danger lurking within fishing cats under zoo care, bladder cancer. We first learned of the problem while chatting with San Francisco zookeeper Barbara Palmer. She told … Continue reading

UPDATE: Columbus Zoo and Aquarium Fishing Cat Kittens

Cindy Cupps (Zookeeper IV) helps care for and monitor the three newest additions to the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium – the adorable fishing cat kittens! Here’s the latest on these little fur balls. Fishing cats have unique personalities, which can make it difficult to successfully pair and breed the cats. “Sometimes the cats are just not compatible,” says … Continue reading