The fishing cat gets its first official movie trailer!

Hi fishing cat fans! There’s been a long bout of radio silence, but we’ve still been hard at work in the background. As you may know we sought your help for coming up with a movie title. There was no shortage of clever submissions, but something that surprised us was how you rallied around our … Continue reading

Fishing Cats & the Foolish Girl’s Guide to Success, TEDx [VIDEO]

    Fishing cats hit the ski slopes last December when Mo had the honor of presenting at TEDx Vail Women. The opportunity raised a special challenge because the point of TEDx is to come up with a big idea that anyone could relate to regardless of interest in fishing cats or conservation. The more … Continue reading

Field Day 13: She is why our work matters. [PHOTOS]

Meet May. She’s Ruj’s (Namfon’s research assistant on the Fishing Cat Research and Conservation Project) daughter. May is smart, beautiful and she loves fishing cats. She is holding a photo of “Rip Ear.” Rip Ear is tough. He’s also smart, and he sure knows how to strike a pose. May’s friends also love fishing cats. … Continue reading